GPS navigation in Jamaica is getting better and better!

screenshot2I mentioned in an earlier post that GPS navigation in Jamaica is finally available. Since then, there’s been a flurry of developments! GPS navigation is now available on most smartphones (only BlackBerry phones, for now, aren’t compatible), and new features in the system include environmental data (the national parks and protected areas, trails, caves); corporate logo identification, openingĀ hoursĀ and contact information; and offshore marine data (including all reefs, banks, shoals and cays off our coastline).

The developers have really gone all-out on this thing. They’ve added 25% more roads and dozens of new points of interest.

But it’s the feedback that’s been the most impressive. I’ve met so many satisfied customers and people who never believed this product would be this good. So many people dismissed it as a Kingston-only device. Others dismissed it off-hand because they already claim they know where everything is Jamaica was. But because of the device’s multi-purpose functionality, it doesn’t have to be exclusively used as a navigation-only tool. And people realize this.

And it’s the customer service people experience on the phone or at the offices of the developers – MonaGIS. Staff there talk prospective customers through the different options, and provide ready assistance to existing customers.

I know what I’m going to be giving as gifts this Christmas!

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parris Posted by: parris October 17, 2009 at 10:18 pm