Bolt redefining sprinting in rush to greatness

Bolt breaks 100m world record in 9.58 seconds

Bolt breaks 100m world record in 9.58 seconds

Usain Bolt has accomplished in just over a year what it took mankind to do in 30.

Ever since Bolt broke the 100 metre world record for the third time since May 2008, pundits have been running out of superlatives to describe the lanky sprinter from Sherwood Content in Trelawny.

Jim Hines was the first man to dip below 10 seconds for the 100 metre sprint in 1968.
Since that time the record has been lowered gradually by Carl Lewis, Leroy Burrell,
Donovan Bailey, Maurice Greene and Asafa Powell, who lowered the world record from 9.79 to 9.74 seconds. When Powell last set the world record in Rieti, Italy, man had only managed to lower the 100-metres world record a paltry 0.21 seconds.

Than came along Usain Bolt who announced his arrival last year May when an astounding 9.76 seconds, a mere .02 seconds off Powell’s world record. On May 30, 2008, at the Reebok Grand Prix in New York, Bolt began his assault on the 100 metre record that would redefine the way we think about the short sprint. On that rainy night, Bolt clocked 9.72 seconds. Then in August that year in Beijing, Bolt shaved a further .03 seconds off the record he now owned taking it down to 9.69 seconds.

On August 16, one year to the day that he became the first man to legally record a time under 9.70 seconds, chopped a massive .11 seconds off the world mark to 9.58 seconds in a fantastic display of sprinting in the Berlin Olympic stadium.

So, it took man 40 years to lower the world record from 9.95 to 9.74. In just over 15 months Bolt has lopped a massive 0.16 seconds, a truly special accomplishment.

No big surprise though since Bolt seems to churn out special accomplishments on a daily basis. Bolt’s last four races at major championships have all ended with world record performances running faster and faster on each occasion.


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9 Responses to “Bolt redefining sprinting in rush to greatness”

  1. Michael Deslandes says:



    JJamaicans in their anthem asked the eternal father to bless their land.
    God answered by giving Jamaica many stars,and now Usain Bolt ,a star amongst stars,who knows how many others we abort and kill in the dismal cycle of poverty and shrinking opportunity ? May God open our eyes to the many untapped talents,roaming our streets. amen and amen.

  3. barbara walker says:

    go golden boy we are all veeeery proud of you at home and abroad. keep doing your best , good luck for future events as well.

  4. Clare says:

    Sir Bolt you have define all odds for the Jamaicans people both near and far (overseas), you have come a long way for the goverment of Jamaica to recognized and redefine the qualities of good sportmanship that they had especially for the children in the rural commmunities of Jamaica that can be the tops at what they do but because of impoverished situations they are all place on the back burner. Now is the time for the Minsiter of Youth not talked but put action with money for the rural communities of Jamaica where the best of all athletes are, these are the poor-mans ground that have been deny the opportunities for years. Sir Bolt had brought the break through that was there long long long time. Jamaicans youth can run on water, fire, broken bottles, sandy roads, woods and win their own peers never mind on level grounds as Bejing, or wherever the track and fields events are. Nuff respect to all the Athletes that compete and put our Island on the Page of Sports especially in this era the 21st century

  5. jonny bb says:

    what does mr carl lewis has to say about this? answer pleas love carl big up jamaica.

  6. Cleveland A. Stan Smith says:

    This is the GREATEST PERFORMANCE by an individual in the event of Track and Field, as a Jamaican living in the USA, I had mixed emotions during the championship events, however I had to stand up for the Black Gold and Green colours. One has to look back and think about the “Motto” of this Great Nation, and look towards the future, look at what we have produced since we got our Independence.

    I am one of those who will never forget from whence I came, and I will be always proud of my Roots, Heritage, Country, Jamaica Land we Love.

    My hat is off to the Athletes and all who made it possible for their success.

  7. Calculus says:

    We agree with the with articles above, however, we believe you should lower the 100/200 until they’re impossible to react. Then go to the 400/do likewise. And, we believe that you have reached and past legendary status, because, several people who are deem legend had not achieved 10% what you already have, so you been a legend is all academic at this stage. However, we hope you’re joking about the long jump/its too hard on the knees/we know how precious those knees are. We undestand that you want to do sometime out of the norm/stand alone event, that doesn’t have to say, mark, set, and go…we’re sure you will do great in whatever u do in sport, ur purely super talented Sir, no doubt… And, we thank God for you everyday, and the joy you give us, and we hope it never stops!!!

  8. Marge says:

    Usain you are an answer to many prayers of people now and some gone before you. I declare you will continue to have strong bones and prosperous and be able to help many looking up to you.

    God Blessing on you always

  9. ranks says:

    Hello, Hello my jamaican Family’s Worldwide I am living in New york queen area, something is missing from our dear (Hater) Carl Lewis have any heard him said any critic about Mr. Bolt, suddenly he very silent, Carl think his world record would stand forever.

    From one Jamaican to another Asafa Powell was the raining Champion, til Bolt came along by beating Asafa on jamaica soil, before beating Tyson Gay in New York, even in better time 9.72, Carl wish he could still run. Carl think about 9.58, track record next year, Bolt will produce 9.4 I would not be surpize, Bolt just be careful, please try to be injury free bless.

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9 comments so far
levyl Posted by: levyl August 18, 2009 at 8:50 pm