So once again a potential resolution to the year-long impasse between Chris Gayle and the West Indies Cricket Board has been stalled. This latest effort led by Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, the prime minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines who convened a meeting on the weekend between Gayle, the West Indies Cricket Board and members of CARICOM has been held up while Gayle consults with his advisors on what his next move should be.

Gayle, who has been out of international cricket for more than a year since his outburst of KLAS radio during which he called hauled the WICB, its CEO Dr. Ernest Hilaire and team coach Otis Gibson over the coals, has said that he wants to continue to represent the West Indies, but it seems that each time he has been given an opportunity to do so he balks.

Now here’s the thing; despite what many of us believe, Gayle was wrong to take his frustrations with the board public the way he did. Yes, it was Otis Gibson who started the mess when he called out the senior players on the West Indies cricket team following their dismal showing during the Cricket World Cup, but that didn’t make Gayle’s rant to Orville Higgins right. So, bottom line is that Gayle needed to have apologized. However, because of how the WICB handled or mishandled the matter where egos came into play, they ended up making Gayle a hero.

Now, thanks to the cricket-loving heads of CARICOM, another opportunity has been put on the table yet still Gayle continues to hold back. According to Dr. Gonsalves, the document he helped prepare is fair as it takes into consideration that Gayle needs to earn money and that during his time out in the cold, he made use of his considerable skills to attract the interest of the growing number of T20 leagues around the world. Those leagues have rewarded Gayle handsomely for his skills and he is obligated to honour those commitments.

If he pulls out now, he hurts his reputation and his ability to command as much money as he does now. The reality is these leagues not only pay top dollar for Gayle’s skills, they play for his availability as well. Currently, the money he gets paid ensures that he is available to the teams that contract him and to no one else, it’s part of the appeal. Under any other circumstance he can walk away and go back to playing for the West Indies for relative peanuts.

According to news reports, even if Gayle does sign on the dotted line of this agreement that has already been signed by the WICB and CARICOM, he wont be available to the West Indies until September this year when the Champions Trophy is being played. That means Gayle would miss the current Australian tour and the tour by New Zealand that comes up in the summer. It would seem to me that there is something in that agreement that Gayle feels would prevent him from taking advantage of their opportunities he is being afforded in the different T20 leagues and that is why he is holding back.

To me there is a rather simple solution to the problem. Gayle has four or five good years left as a force in world cricket. He has said publicly that he prefers the shortest form of the game over the more traditional Test format so the best solution would be for him to retire from international cricket and pursue his dream of plying his audacious skills all over the world. It makes good economical sense. Playing for the West Indies – if he signs a central contract – Gayle can make more money than the average Caribbean professional makes, but if he becomes mercenary and sells his skills to the IPL, Big Bash, Bangladesh Premier League and the South African T20 league, Gayle can make much, much more. He also stands to earn from any new league that props up where ever and when ever. And if he employs a proper manager he could make even more endorsing everything from bats to sandwiches. At the end of the day he would retire significantly wealthier than he would have playing for the West Indies.

However, he keeps saying he wants to play for the West Indies, only on his terms. Put the fans out of their misery Chris. If you let them know what you want to do then I am sure they will support your move. The constant wavering makes them unsure, kind of like an insecure girl in an awkward relationship where she doesn’t know which day she is going to wake up and hear that its all over.

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  1. Mike Knight says:

    Sir, Chris Gayle’s first obligation as a professional athlete is to himself and his family. Lets not forget that the West Indies Cricket Board is not a country state only a club. He was left out in the cold by this club for a significant time during which he found employment elsewhere. The west Indies Board must recognize that his commitments signed with other clubs are important to him as a pro player. He must honor these commitments even if it means him not playing until later in the fall this year. or, The Board can negotiate his release from these clubs while compensating him at an agreed amount now or over a period of time. It seems the amount of money paid to Chris has become a sticking sore point to Board members,and, yes Mr. Hillaire, you must apologize for your remarks about Jamaican players while still on the board. Th eterms of the contract should have been discussed with individual parties before a joint meeting. Just wish this would be resolved or here comes the call for JA to go it alone.

  2. jchakkap says:

    I concur with most of your statements…but can you trust the “Wise men of the Indies”..are they just waiting for him to sign, cut ties with his commitments then give him a couple of games, hope fail then dump him?..The WI Board handled the situation poorly, so I don’t trust them. I think he should make his mind up though. Playing for Jamaica and the West Indies is both a privilege and an honor. Personally I would love to see him continue, but his decision should be respected. It’s been a year, and since he is already committed until September? give him time to mull over his decision, since whatever he does, it will affect him financially. Question! What would most people do if faced with the same situation? However it’s time to end this one way or the other…lets get on with the game..

  3. CricFan says:

    Who wrote this article?

    The issue seems VERY clear to me.
    * Chris wants to play.
    * Chris has signed a couple contracts which make him unavailable until September.
    * We, the fans will wait till then for his return to West Indies.

    What’s the beef?

    In the meantime, we enjoy watching him play in the leagues.

  4. Messengjah says:

    Jamaica Gleaner, YUH BACKSIDE! I notice you keep erasing my posts because I call it like I see it without curry-favouring anyone!

  5. zulu says:

    In response to the article(GAYLE SHOULD PUT FANS OUT OF THEIR MISERY,
    As an ardent cricket fan of the West Indies, i believe the author is of the view that Mr Gayle is in Cricket solely on money purpose alone,I beg to differ as this talented player has gave his all to the west indies and still wants to give more,the treatment he received from the bigger heads of the Organisation was totally disrespectful, Yes he said somethings however every man have a right to free speach, and to say how he feels, where and who he plays for his not a concern of anyone as a man mus make a living, we want him back in the team playing his magnificent strokes again full stop, i dont care how it happen just make it happen, as at the moment we are still suffering from lack of leadership, the author seems to think that Mr Gayle should retire, did you feel the same way about Mr Brian Lara, Gary Sobers or Sir Viv Richards,please take a liston to my song about Cricket Titled Cricket on my youtube site,,,therealshakazulu

  6. mario grant says:

    gayle cant have it both ways he has already made his point and its time to move on, there is no greater achievement than playing for your country ,or the west indies if you are west indian ,gayle is young and money at this stage of his life should not be a problem ,as good a player as he is he still not achieved any greatness so i would advise him to reward the west indians supporters who supported him with what ever talent he has for their enjoyment cricket is never about one player

  7. nackemo elliott says:

    I think the board don’t like Gayle because he has made more money than any other player in West Indies cricket history.He is a very rich cricketing millionaire and it hurts them to their core and just face it ,that’s the underline problem.”Otis” how do you coach a guy who has made two or three times the amount of money you made in your whole life, in only one season?Me, I’ll probably not like this guy as well.With all this money comes too much power and too much respect (from the other players) and naturally otis ,the captain and the board see him as a threat and stooped really low just to get him out.

  8. Messengjah says:


    Gayle is not the problem. Players all over the world voice their opinions when asked, including disagreeing with how clubs and teams are run. So who the hell this Hilaire guy think he is to be attempting to bully Gayle into withdarawing/apologising for speaking truthfully?? gayle has contracts to fulfill; will the WICB assist him in paying the penalties for breach of contract, if he elects to make himself available for selection?? Bear in mind that Gayle is currently not a WICB contracted player.

    Ever since the St. Lucia cabal has infiltrated the WICB there has been a deliberate attempt to populate the Windies team with undeserving players from the Windward and leeward islands!

  9. smuttyotty says:

    Firstly., I notice the analogy at the end of the article and I shall say, its insulting. Try again!

    Secondly, the writer seems to notice the issue at hand concerning Gayle and has a good understanding of the cause and the reactions that led to the impasse that kept him out of WI cricket. But we have to allow the time to pass until Mr. Gayle is available in September as it is put. Dont treat the man like a “insecure girl” and pressure him into something that would do him more harm than good. If he signed away his time to earn money then allow the time to pass and let us see what he does. I am sure the document prepared by Dr. Gonsalves and Caricom took into consideration these contractual obligations that Mr. Gayle has. I am sure that what Gayle and his advisers are trying to do is see where adjustments can be made to get him available before Septemebr, so the wise thing is to wait before signing and explore all the legal ways to make the necessary changes.

    I am an ardent fan of Mr. Gayle, I will go as far as to say he has in his own way achieved greatness, hence the hype over the last year. but based on the facts presented, I say wait Gayle and let the advisers guide you and if necessary forget about Australia and New Zealand tours if needs be. Do no more damage to your reputation and handle each step of this issue on its merit. The fans, like myself will have to wait. We are intelligent enough to know that given the past plans and current issues we have to allow you to make unprofessional decisions.

    Contrary to the suggestions of this article, “Nuh mek dem rush yu!!!!”

  10. Burt A. Henry says:

    Like the WICB, Gayle should do what’s in his best interest.

  11. I man says:

    What some people don’t realise is that when you sign a contract it’s not just about pen and paper it comes with a cost if you don’t keep up to it, and base on what is said if Otis Gibson is the one who starts the trouble he is the one who owes the caribbean people not Chris , but what always happens the bosses always put the blame on the employee because if they speak to loud they can get fired .

  12. mario grant says:

    then tell me something you r him no have no sense if you still want to represent the west indies why go an sign contracts with no clause in them for you to represent the west indies when needs be regaurdless of st lucia trying to take over west indies cricket, and have full influence nothing no wrong with that when barbados was doing that, no one complained i am proper jamaican and nobody no love cricket more than me but truth is truth.

  13. TURWEB says:

    Like in any good marriage where a fight goes on for a while, it soon dawns on the couple that they now have to move from personal interest to relationship. the couple also soon realizes that the longer the fight goes on is the more they become removed from any moral authority to claim the validity and relevance of that fight. In other words, its only a fool that keeps on fighting when it becomes evidently clear that it is time to be nice and make up.

  14. wallstreit says:

    Well I have always said what the writer is saying right now, Chris Gayle is not God and he is only spiting himself, but we as black people always have this stubborness that is so astonishing. I am very disturbed and disappointed that the heads of CARICOM are actually backing him up, if one of their cabinet members were to do what Gayle did, they would be dismissed. We should not and must not mistake correction for brutality. Deep down Chris Gayle knows better, he is an excellent cricketer, but as the writer so rightly described it, he is behaving like a confused girl. If I were in charge of the W.I. cricket board there would be no meeting. It’s behaviours like these why we remain thirld world, like we running on a treadmill. Gayle don’t become the next Walter Boyd, use u head.

  15. jchakkap says:

    After the victory over Australia in the fourth ODI just concluded, I saw a first…THE COACH HUGGING THE CAPTAIN AND DANCING TOGETHER (still embraced)..I couldn’t believe it…no wonder these people want to get rid of Chris Gayle…I can’t recall B. Lara: C. Lloyd: Sir. Viv…or any other Captain or player of the Windies, or any other country, being afforded that honor? What a Coach!…I rest my case…Carry on Christopher G. It’s your livelihood…

  16. Joseph S. says:

    I find it difficult to believe that Chris Gayle owes anything to anyone at this time except to himself and his family and some fellow West Indians who see life and feel as strongly as he does about principle.
    Freedom of speech is a Gaod given right. Those of you who hang on to the tail of the mule or other quadruped that was graced with the previledge of leading the WICB did more harm to us as a people than anyone before or unborn.
    Chris has his God given talent to bargain with others who appreciate his talent.
    He would be considered by this writer a fool if he walked away from the contracts that he signed when the Clowns if West Indies Cricket sought to belittle him and destroy him.
    I can see Hillaire and Otis Gibson dancing and laughing if he were to walk away from his signed contracts and return to play for the west Indies and did not perform at the highest level. NO No NO .Chris, satisfy your contractual obligations with those who respected you and shpwed you love when the WICB sought your demise. Jah lives,and the day of payment for the oppressors is not far behind.
    Chris we love you, respect you and wish you everlasting success.

    May you on your return be the only cricketer in the world to score 300 runs three times or better inTest Cricket. To those of us who believe in the strength of the Black Man you will be forever elevted on a throne above all others.



    YOU MAKE ME PROUD. You stand out in this battle like Mohammed Ali in his fight for respect and dignity some years ago.You will be remembered for your strength and dignity long after you no longer hit sixes. The six you hit against the WICB , Gibson et al has sent the ball out of the groung but the roar of the spectors will be remembered forever.

  17. Aubrey says:

    The best thing that could have happened was for the W.I board to suspend Gayle so he could find more lucrative means of income! Now everyone has to wait until he completes these contracts!
    This W.I. Board needs to be dismantled, is this the way to muzzle everyone who want to play for the W.I. And everyone wonders why our team cant rise from the ashes!
    This isnt the 1st nor will it be the last,Brian Lara, Viv Richards, Richie Richardson went through the same thing! The problem is the W.I board…not the players!

  18. vernon says:

    Is it just me or does anyone realise every time the west indies has an opportunity to win a series the board finds some way to pick the weakest side its as if some one on that board doesnt want to see the side do well i can remember the bangalades series where we actually went in with a 3rd rated side and loss the series AT HOME!! that to me is the biggest disgrace ever to west indes cricket so much so that we went into the following world. cup as outsiders to bangladesh albeit we had our best players on what a laugh but i guess thats all you can get out of westindies cricket these days (a good laugh).i bet evertime the team goes into a game the management staff has their hands behind their backs begging hoping wishing to pull it off without gayle lol well you what management team these guys will win a few gaqmes because there is talent there but to win a series you got to have a fearless warrior like gayle to pull it through, this pass one day series was one of the easiest so far against australia so but guess what the warrior was missing

  19. Mr. iPad says:

    Obviously the W.I board doesn’t love the West Indies people. If they did they would choose the best team to perform for us. The team that will win us games, entertain and build a legacy we can be proud to talk about for years.

    W.I please wake up and give Chris Gayle a break.

  20. West Indies cricket is a mess. It resembles a school curry Goat match with no enthuiasim.You need stars to bring a wealthy crowd. People watch for a fulfilment enjoyment. We need to see cricket come back like in the days of Clive Lloyd and Lawrence Rowe etc.The only name throughout my travelling people are asking for is the great Chris Gayle yet West Indies bad mind leaders have treated him like rubbish because he is a Jamaican. this is how a treated one of the greatest fast bowler the world has ever seen Patrick Patterson because he was a Jamaican. Cant you open your eyes and see that you have to be using naked women at matches to bring crowd you should be ashamed of yourselves. I know cricket to be a role model sport. Pay the players good money, respect them and stop treating them like flies because they are Jamaicans.

  21. West Indies Cricket is a mess. Stop treating Chris Gayle and others likes flies because of their nationalities. We need to see cricket as an enjoyable avenue again. Wealthy people will come when there is enjoyment in cricket. They are not coming to see naked women this is a role model game.

  22. OneCaribbean says:

    Chris Gayle may be one of our best batsmen but his priority is to enrich himself by playing T20 around the world. Personally I don’t have problem with that. However, Chris cannot expect the WI to accomodate him on his terms. The WI is building a team for the future and it cannot afford disruptions by bringing in Chris when it suits him. To bring in Chris when he is available and to have him replaced when he is not available only serves to disrupt the team. We need a team of players that at available ALL the time to grow, understand each other and provide consistency. That is the foundation that is needed for our progress. As good as Chris is his coming in and out only serves to hinder our progress by denying young players the chance to fulfil their potential. To be honest I think the current crop of players have demonstrated a progression that WI cricket has not seen for quite sometime. There seem more togetherness, discipline and committment than when Chris Gayle was included in the side. I believe given more time, with minimal disruption, the team will develop into a very good outfit capable of restoring our pride. We now just need to discovered a genuine accurate fast bowler to make us a force once again!

  23. bbiloy says:

    cricket is greatest trade associated with today,many player as well as enterprise men’re very concious because of this business they will invested money and time upabout matches,u can observe their routines withinside reside cricket matches as well as in the cricket matches highlights

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levyl Posted by: levyl March 21, 2012 at 10:04 am