Election Questions on the Public Sector

Another target set by the IMF is the reduction of the public sector expenditure to nine percent of GDP by 2015. This is to be achieved by the transformation of the public sector and as this affects all of us we need to ask some vital questions.

There are two ways of achieving this target either by reducing expenditure or increasing GDP. Thus our first question is “Which one of these approaches will be your main thrust in achieving the target?” Additionally we wish to know “how many jobs will be lost in the public sector?” We also ask “Will you abide by the findings of the public sector transformation committee? It is important to have a clear understanding of how the process will operate.

We need a clear answer to the question – “How will we pay for the seven per cent back pay promised to the sector?” In moving forward we ask “What is your position of salary increases for the public sector for 2010 -2012 and beyond?” The targets agreed with the IMF have to be met and any further increases in pay will affect the possibility of reaching those targets. We need to know what increases if any will be given and how they will be funded. The world continues to struggle with recession and this is going to affect our earning capacity so it will become increasingly difficult to pay any additional benefits. It is critical that if any changes are to be made to the public sector that now is the time.

It is not enough to simply achieve the specified target we need to have a more efficient public sector. It is possible to make changes to and cut the size of the public service but still remain inefficient as currently exists in the financial sector. Efficiency for us means that the government services are adequately staffed to deliver the services needed. This means that the workers must be properly trained and have a good work attitude. We want to see a much easier way of paying taxes and a much better rate of tax collection.

This efficiency is not to be confined to what are traditionally seen as civil servant jobs. Wee need to see it reflected in our teachers and principals in the schools. The police force needs this improvement to be reflected in every aspect of their performance. It should be seen in the service provided by our health workers and last but not least our firemen. Yes cost is important but expenditure without efficiency is no better.

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admin Posted by: admin December 19, 2011 at 7:00 am