Don’t neglect your children

Child abuse, like the hair on the head of Medusa of Greek mythology, has many ugly heads. Neglect is only one of them and it continues to expose its repulsive self in the Jamaican society.

Information provided by The Office of the Children’s Registry indicated a steady rise in this criminal behaviour.

In 2007, 81 cases were reported to the office with a hike in 2008 to 1,607 and, 1,995 up to August this year.

Against the background of the spike in these reported incidents, the registry is urging parents not to leave their children at home unsupervised.

Children’s registrar, Carla Edie, stated that parents should ensure they are carrying out their parental roles effectively, as they can be fined or imprisoned if they do not.

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kimesha Posted by: kimesha December 29, 2009 at 12:24 pm