My son is ill… but my boss doesn’t care

Q. I am so stressed out. I am a secretary who has a low salary and a high volume of work. My boss is so horrible. I have a son with an illness and after working at the job for three years and doing late hours, my boss is so insensitive to my son’s illness. My son has a skin problem and it is not easy getting people to care for him, so many times I have to get home quickly after work. His father works in the evenings and so we are strapped for time. How can I get my boss to be more understanding?

 Dr. Orlean Brown-Earle, child psychologist and family therapist answers this question and more at:

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4 Responses to “My son is ill… but my boss doesn’t care”

  1. duckie says:

    So let me get this straight – your husband works evenings but his boss is NOT insensitive to your son’s condition? But as you are a woman, then someone needs to be more ‘sensitive’ to your situation? This may sound insensitive BUT your boss operates a business and thus (s)he may need you to stay late sometimes , (s)he is not being insensitive, it is being practical- either deal with it, find another job or someone to take care of your child. People with children think the childless should bare the brunt of the load at work- bull, YOU need to organize YOUR life -that is your responsibility, not that of your supervisor.

  2. Dj Rohan says:

    I’m afraid that I have to agree with Duckie’s comment on this situation, which seems to me as a sticky one, well it depends on the clause that’s in the contract of your employment at your workplace. If you want to continue your tenure there you and your husband have to come up with measures to deal with this situation. Well, both of you are employed so hire a nanny to take care of your child during your absence!

  3. Parent of Two says:

    In reference to the two comments already made I am of the opinion that neither have children. I deeply feel for this lady. A job is a job and a family is a family. Your family will always come first. Your boss needs to be a bit more sensitive to your situation especially if you are a hard worker that when at work you perform at the level that is required. Maybe you need to just speak with him/her and make them understand how bad it is, and provide them with literature of your child’s illness to read. That could possibly help.

  4. Juanita says:

    Duckie/DJ Rohan – your comments leave me to wonder about a) your sex b) if u r a parent. I would expect some human compassion to this mother with a sick child. While it is not the boss’s responsibility there should be work/homelife balance. If it was this boss’s child, this boss would ensure that this child is the #1 priority. Why should this mother feel differently? Where does it say because it is a 2 income household, this household can afford a nanny. To this mother, I hope some relief comes soon. Happy New Year.

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4 comments so far
kimesha Posted by: kimesha December 29, 2009 at 12:39 pm