Usain Bolt- The booster shot

World record holder, Usain Bolt

World record holder, Usain Bolt

I interviewed Usain Bolt when he was 16-years-old back when he was still wet behind the ears. At the time, though his talent was easily recognisable, he was still a shy, very shy and seemingly insecure individual. He had yet to fully understand the talent that he has been blessed with or what was required to bring it to full bloom.

Now 23, with the world at his feet Usain Bolt has come of age. Watching him at the press conference at the Terra Nova Hotel on Monday, September 14, 2009, I was in awe at the ease with which he played with the audience, the ease with which he made us laugh, the ease with which he communicated his thoughts. It was so much better than when we first met all those years ago. He was so charming; not a term Jamaicans hear a lot these days.

Bolt has charmed the world and they have fallen in love with him. They adore his antics and are amazed by his blazing speed. Bolt has brought personality back to a sport that in addition to the many drug scandals lacked people who were interesting.

With the exception of a few athletes track and field lacked personalities. You can hate Maurice Greene all you want but he was exciting to watch. We all remember the time when he had someone spray his spikes with a fire extinguisher. But, there are several other who come to mind – Jon Drummond, the clown prince of track and field, and even Shawn Crawford more recently.

Generally Jamaican athletes come off as being very dour and introverted, boring. Most have the personality of a shoe box. They are hard to watch when they are not racing. It is even harder to listen to their rehearsed phrases and statements.

Bolt brings a different kind of personality. He is more playful and witty. His dance moves and pre-race antics are worth the price of admission. His spirit is infectious. All of a sudden everybody is dancing at track meets, the Americans, the Europeans and all the Africans! When was the last time you saw a Kenyan dancing at a track meet after winning a race?

Usain Bolt is the booster shot that track and field needed and I hope he stays around for a very long time.

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2 Responses to “Usain Bolt- The booster shot”

  1. Usain Bolt, you are the best the world has seen in a long time. Keep safe so that you can be around for a very long time. God bless you.

  2. Kaytee says:

    I remeber the days when young Usain would hardly ever complete a race as a result of being plagued with injuries. He was always explaining after a race that his coach told him that if he even felt a twinge of pain he should stop running. I must confess that I , like many othersprobably did, lost faith in his abilities to grow and succeed as an athlete. What I didn’t consider was the fact that he was so young and had the opportunity to surmount that hurdle in his career. Thanks for those incomplete races, Usain. If it weren’t for them we would probably not have such a prodigy on our hands presently.

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levyl Posted by: levyl September 16, 2009 at 3:31 pm