Bolt runs and earns fast

Usain Bolt does everything fast.  He runs fast and he earns money really fast.

In five days in Berlin Bolt, he made almost J$30 million. Two individual wins in world record time equals US$320,000 plus about US$16,000 from his share of the 4x100metre relay. That’s about US$336,000.

Not bad for a less than a week’s work. Work here is defined as actual days when he performed on the track.

How many Jamaican individuals earn at that rate? I can’t even think of many companies that earn money as quickly as that.

On Thursday, without doing anything Bolt earned an additional J$8.9 million or another US$100,000. When you factor in his appearance fee estimated at about US$250,000 per meet, Bolt would have earned almost US$800,000 after the world championships for three days’ work.

All together that works out to about US$1.2 million or about J$107 million for eight days’ work! That’s J$13 million a day, an incredible rate of earning.


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One Response to “Bolt runs and earns fast”

  1. LESLIE HUNTER says:

    I am very impressed with the sudden ability of my country man Usain to be earning such increidible amounts of money and I really want to encourage him to be gracious and humble with his success. In addition, I hope that Mr. Bolt will make a full commitment of his life to the One whom he has accreditted his success to. Failure to do this, will without doubt make his financial success very insecure. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul? Celebrate your success Mr. Bolt, you earned it, you deserve it.

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1 comment so far
levyl Posted by: levyl September 18, 2009 at 7:15 pm