As I write this article the euphoria surrounding Berlin continues with many persons asking “How can we benefit from our success?” I would like to suggest that it is late to be asking that question because the preparation for Berlin should have taken place after our success in Beijing. In this time of recession the government has been talking about preparing for the opportunities that will come at the end of the recession. In our case the obviously missed opportunity is the sale of Jamaica memorabilia. Persons attending the world Championships were clamouring to get merchandise from Jamaica and only the Puma store had any.
This principle is so often missed in the area of finance but it is so necessary for companies and individuals to make preparations for the opportunities ahead. When businesses open, re-open, start hiring or expand their business and need staff – will you be ready to take advantage? Have you considered upgrading your skills, getting certified or even taking the time to prepare your resume? We so often want to benefit from the opportunities that are available but do not wish to do the necessary work, there really is no such thing as a free lunch.
Our children are about to return to school but have we prepared them/ourselves to take advantage of this opportunity. When I consider that in many countries parents do no have the opportunity to send their children to school whereas we take education for granted. During the summer did we encourage our children to read, practice maths or buy the books ahead of time so that they could start preparing before school reopens? After school starts do we have a plan for our lives where we put aside time to ensure that our children do their homework or to help them if necessary?
When we miss an opportunity it becomes too late to do anything about it but more will come so let us prepare ourselves for the future ones.
Feedback Question: Are you prepared for the post recession period?
We are always missing out on opportunities to fully profit from our culture. We also missed out with the Reggae Boyz 1998 World Cup qualification.
You hit the nail on the head in saying that we want the benefits of these opportunities but not the work that goes with it.
i agree with the perso that wrote that story