How do you decide what to buy?

April 30th, 2017

Many people focus only on price when they shop.  That is essentially their only concern and other issues don’t feature in their decision making process. Are there really any other factors? Well there are other things that affect consumer’s decisions. Location The most expensive items with the highest profit margins are often located at eye [...]


Why aren’t there more ‘free’ offers?

April 23rd, 2017

Everyone knows that businesses have to make money, after all making a profit is the whole point of starting a business in the first place! So why should they offer anything to their customers for free? Why offer freebies Well customers love getting something without having to pay for it. I know I certainly do! [...]


7 Tips for problem free Air travel

April 17th, 2017

Did you know that you are more likely to be involved  in an automobile accident than in a plane crash? Travel by air has certainly come a long way and it can be quite comfortable and safe. Personally I don’t like long flights and I always breathe a sigh of relief when I get to [...]


The Price of Ignorance

April 10th, 2017

There is an old saying that states: ‘What you don’t know can’t hurt you.’ Is this really true?  Are we better off being ignorant? I understand those who feel that way because if you don’t know something then you can claim ignorance and be free from blame. What about the fact though that knowledge can [...]


Home Ownership- Is it just a dream?

April 5th, 2017

A number of Jamaicans dream of owning their own home.  Although they view home ownership as a desirable goal, there are many consumers who are not sure they will ever be able to make it into a reality. The biggest obstacle is the thought of finding huge deposits and the entire process of finding a [...]


Cleaning on a budget!

April 3rd, 2017

I am not a clean freak by any means but I like when the place is organized. It does not cost a lot to keep the house clean. However, the cost of some cleaning products have made me wonder is there a cheaper way to keep my house clean? I asked around and got a [...]