Do you really need a credit card?

September 30th, 2014

I have blogged about the use of credit cards before but I feel the need to revisit this topic. It all began when I got an invitation in the mail. The invitation read, ‘Congratulations you are pre-approved for a credit card from our financial institution.’ In order to collect and use my credit card all [...]


Online banking – the way forward!

September 27th, 2014

I am slightly old fashioned. I know I am revealing my age with that information but it really just means I am comfortable with the traditional way of doing certain things. One of these traditional ways is going inside banks to transact any financial matters. Don’t get me wrong I detest standing in lines with [...]


Are used cars a better investment?

September 24th, 2014

I need a new car. So I started thinking about my options. Should I buy a used car or a new car? Like many consumers, I like new cars. There is a smell that emanates from the interior of a new car that is most appealing. There is also the delight in knowing that you [...]


Are Consumers really conserving?

September 20th, 2014

‘Turn off the lights when you leave the room.’ Those words were said a lot in my childhood, as I simply could not remember to turn the lights off when I left a room. Of course, back then the electricity bills were much lower but still represented a huge part of the family’s budget. Fast [...]


Are you a smart Consumer?

September 17th, 2014

If you are like thousands of Jamaicans, at some point of your life you have taken the public transportation system. There have been a lot of advancements in the public transportation system over the years. I remember the days when the steps of the bus were considered to be a suitable place for the passengers [...]


Consumer complaints – Is there a right way to complain?

September 13th, 2014

I have heard consumers complain about unfair treatment meted out to them from various companies. Unfortunately, there seemed to be much confusion about the steps consumers can take to rectify the problem. The most common solution seems to be to take their business elsewhere while spreading their dissatisfaction to everyone they meet. While that solution [...]