7 things you should bear in mind when buying a car!

October 25th, 2020

So you have decided that you have had enough of public transportation and you want to buy a car. What should be your next steps? Well it is important that you examine your circumstances carefully and make a determination if this is a need or a want. If you really want  to purchase a car, [...]


Live Debt free!

June 24th, 2019

How much do you owe? Often this is a sore subject with many consumer. Some owe so much money it makes them unhappy to hear any information about the topic while others feel that owing is a normal part of life and they have no issues with their situation. There is of course a small [...]


Car Woes – What consumers should watch out for!

March 17th, 2019

Traffic in the morning can be a nightmare in most areas in the corporate area. However one thing that’s worse than dealing with traffic is dealing with public transportation. The interminable waiting then the lack of comfort can make travelling on public transportation very unattractive. As a result most persons have as a goal owning [...]


Is buying goods on credit a good idea?

December 14th, 2014

Do you want a new television? How about some new furniture? I know you want a new car! Well if you are anything like me, those are things you might want but are unable to afford. The problem is of course that every magazine or television advertisment I see, there are companies promising that I [...]


How safe are credit cards?

May 25th, 2013

I have always thought that credit cards were relatively safe. I guess I felt this way because before the cashier swiped the card for payment, the consumer’s signature was checked against some form of identification. I felt this security feature made it harder for persons who steal or find lost cards able to use them [...]