Is free education a reality in Jamaica? Well, recently a parent from a prominent high school in Kingston, showed me a text message sent from the school to parents which stated that only those students who have paid their school fees will be allowed to sit internal examinations in June. That means that a student [...]
“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” The above statement was made by the late renowned South African activist and president Nelson Mandela. His words are significant especially to our small island home. The cost of many of the university programmes that are offered currently are placed far above [...]
‘Anything Free nuh good.” This is a well known Jamaican proverb that suggests that if you are not paying for a service or product it must have a defect. However, the recession has forced many to rethink their aversion to ‘freeness’ as they scramble to make ends meet. The Minister of Education, has stated that [...]