But…Can It Be Business as Usual?

April 27th, 2019

Perhaps it’s just me, but the year 2019 seems to have been one of considerable upset for the world. A second, extremely fierce cyclone has arrived in Mozambique (the first one killed over 900 people, although it hardly received mainstream media coverage). On the beautiful island of Sri Lanka, which I visited in late 2017 and […]


Three Things I Learned From a Boat Trip

March 31st, 2019

Sometimes life throws you into a learning curve. You have to reassess your attitudes and beliefs. I have stepped onto so many of these curves recently that I am feeling physically and mentally exhausted. I have also been on some boat trips recently. Some have been very comfortable. The most recent one was – well, […]


Too Many Humans, Not Enough Fish in the Sea

May 25th, 2017

Something is slightly rotten in the state of our fisheries. Or so I suspect. Is this real, or a perception? I would love someone to tell me. I am basing this conjecture on a series of reports. A very recent experience seemed to reinforce it, too. On eating at a well-known fish restaurant, the waitress […]


The Lion and the Parrot

April 20th, 2016

Is this a story about the depredations of humans on our wildlife – hunting the lions, trafficking our endangered parrots? Well, it could be, and certainly humans have been the instigators of a worrying dual problem. This is about the Caribbean, however, and it relates to fish. Let’s start with the Parrot Fish, that beautiful […]