Comparing Ourselves to Others: The Singapore Syndrome

November 9th, 2018

We Jamaicans have a bit of an obsession with Singapore, don’t we? Our romance with this small, densely populated country – some 18,000 miles away, with a population twice that of Jamaica – still lingers. Some of the passion may have waned, as romances tend to do, in the past few years. But what sparked […]


The Populist Or The Pragmatist: Which Do You Prefer?

January 15th, 2017

I have been thinking about the nature of leadership, recently. A few things have turned my thoughts in this direction: Donald J. Trump will be inaugurated as President of the United States of America in a few days’ time – a man who has been described by his predecessor (and more recently, by John Lewis, […]


The Courage to Lead: A Heartfelt Breakfast with UWI Students

January 31st, 2016

My father sometimes came out with this extraordinary expression: “Screw your courage to the sticking-place.” He was a man of great courage himself, and although I was always a little vague about where the sticking-place was, I think I got the gist of it. This is a quotation from William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Of course, the courage I […]