Fifteen Strong, and a Woman’s Supportive Voice

November 25th, 2019

I shared in a happy event last week, at the headquarters of Digicel, downtown. Their lobby unfortunately has a huge echo effect, so the voices of employees chatting as they waited for the elevator did a ricochet around my head. It is however a bright and lofty space. Regardless of the voices, we joined the […]


#GoVolunteerJA: Cultivating Compassion and “Generation Change”

December 8th, 2014

The cavernous space at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in Kingston last Friday morning was humming. But not with the energy of chatting and socializing; this was serious, powerful, focused energy. I sensed it as I stepped in the door. It was the second annual National Volunteer Symposium 2014, with the Jamaica National (JN) Foundation, Cuso […]