Clean Kingston Harbour?

May 11th, 2019

Why the question mark? Because I wonder if a clean Kingston Harbour is possible. An exclamation mark might be more optimistic. Let’s order people to get together and make it happen! However, the topic of the GraceKennedy Foundation Lecture on April 3 was devoid of punctuation. It also had a subtitle: Pipe Dream or Pot […]


Finding Their Voices for Climate Change

April 15th, 2019

It’s quite challenging. When we are talking about climate change, we need to “break it down.” We must find ways (not one way, several ways) to explain it. We need to demonstrate what is happening here and now, and what may happen in the near future. And we need to point to solutions. Gloom and doom […]


Building Blocks and Technology: The Social Good Summit in Jamaica

September 20th, 2016

#2030Now – the hashtag for the Sustainable Good Summits taking place around the world – has a sense of urgency about it, doesn’t it. So it should; the long-term has become short term, when we think about major issues such as climate change. 2030 is just around the corner. All our concerns are “now” concerns. […]


Strengthening Social Enterprise in Jamaica: A Tough But Worthwhile Task

July 20th, 2016

Chairman of the JN Foundation Earl Jarrett wants to see Jamaica as “a country agile and ready for growth.”  How is this to be achieved? Mr. Jarrett is looking at what they call a “two-pronged approach”: putting the institutional framework in place to make doing business easier (yes, there is still more work to be done in […]


Reggae Music Sustains Caribbean Climate Change Campaign

March 1st, 2016

Remember the slogan: One Point Five to Stay Alive? Well, the Caribbean campaign to keep global temperatures to a maximum 1.5 degree rise had an extraordinary impact on the COP21 UN Climate Change Conference in Paris last December. And musicians helped to amplify the message, guided and encouraged by the dedicated team at Panos Caribbean. […]