How to save on back to school costs!

January 11th, 2017

Only a parent knows that special fear of sending their children back to school after the holidays. No it’s not fear of criminal elements that I am referring to but fear of the effect it will have on the family’s budget. Back to School While it is true that when the children were on holiday [...]


Do you need a new car?

January 3rd, 2017

Okay so it’s a new year and you are tired of taking the bus so you are ready for a car. What should be your first step? Well before making any major purchase it’s important to consider the cost.  Of course you need to find a car that you can afford. However the cost of [...]


Adding up the cost of the new year!

January 2nd, 2017

So 2017 is finally here and a lot of people are slowly lamenting the cost of everything they spent on 2016.  The worst part of the new year is to realize that you spent all the money that was supposed to last until the next pay cheque. The shopping this season was unbelievable as trying [...]


Have you met your financial goals?

December 28th, 2016

As 2016 winds down, I think of all the financial goals I had set for myself this year.  Although I had very lofty plans I did actually meet a few of them so that’s great.  However, a lot of my goals were derailed my bad choices and unexpected events. Obstacles Regardless of how much you [...]


Be careful of Road Rage while shopping!

December 24th, 2016

This time of the year the road is no longer just a means of moving around town, instead it becomes a dangerous place where every caution must be taken by consumers. Traffic Woes If you drive on the road around Kingston or any other major town you know of the chaos that usually happens during [...]


Do you shop from Street Vendors?

December 20th, 2016

I love a good deal.  I also like the process of getting a deal which basically involves a back and forth between me and the vendor.  After a satisfactory discussion, we usually arrive at a mutually acceptable agreement.  However, there are some disadvantages with dealing with vendors on the street. Vendors – the problems One [...]