LED is the way to brighten consumers’ lives!

Author : teriann

Okay the year is now 2014 so why do we still use so much electricity on our tiny island home ?

Let’s face it, most Jamaicans don’t have air conditioned homes nor do most of us use electricity draining dryers.

So why is there so much to pay at the end of the month?

A lot of the high bills are generated because of poor management of our electronic equipment. I know people who have the television on in rooms even though no one is watching it while others leave on the radio all day.

Then there is the rather obvious solution to the problem, consumers must change the light bulbs from incandescent to florescent.

This one simple move can significantly reduce your monthly electrical bill.

Some persons are just stuck in the past and I still see a number of homes sporting the easily identifiable dull yellow glow. These florescent bulbs may be more expensive to purchase but their cost is negated when you see the lower electricity bills.

Recently the government has been encouraging new LED Light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs as another energy-saving alternative as it produces more light with less energy.

So what would these new bulbs mean for the consumer?

Well how about more of your money staying in your pocket where it belongs? I know that sounds good to me.

The article in The Gleaner quoted the Minister of Technology as he proclaimed, “you could cut your bills by upward of 20 per cent just by changing from incandescent at the time to fluorescent. But you get even more savings from LED. We have determined that when we move from the mercury lamps that we use on the street lamps to LED lamps … you will save more than 50 per cent.”

Is that the only benefit of using these new bulbs?

Not only will these bulbs lower your electricity costs but they also last longer which make them very cost effective since they would not need to be replaced very often.

So will you be heading to the stores to buy these new LED lights?

I know I will!

Teri Ann Renee Paisley

Gleaner Online Writer

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2 Responses to “LED is the way to brighten consumers’ lives!”

  1. Free Speech says:

    There has no scientific evidence to support this, only evidence there is pertaining to these bulbs is the heightened level of cancer, these things contain mercury which gives off a harmful radiation field when lit plus the brighter the bulb is the more power its putting through the mercury thus increasing it’s radiation field as well. I swear jamaica needs to jump from this monkey see monkey do thing, any thing the americans use to kill their citizens, the government jumps on the wagon as well.

  2. Pedestrian says:

    @ Free speech. You are entirely correct. Florescent lamps do have mercury. They require special handling after use or if broken. In my estimation, our water ways including our underground water supply is in danger of being contaminated with inorganic mercury. We will very well see in the future blue baby syndrome etc in Ja. Disposal of these bulbs is a challenge as they should not be disposed of in the regular waste. No provisions has been made for this here in Jamaica. We cant even deal with regular waste let alone chemical waste. So all who believed the light bulbs given by Cuba was good thing, not quite, how will we safely dispose of them ? Cheaper aint always better.

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