Do you pay your taxes on time?

February 19th, 2014

In Jamaica, we have a strong aversion to doing anything on time. Often consumers wait until the very last moment before they pay anything whether its bills or taxes. This means that on the last day before any deadline, the lines to pay are usually very long and this contributes to the frustration of consumers. [...]


How to be Debt free in one year! (Part 1)

September 25th, 2013

In the modern world of technology it seems as if everything is done online and consumers are lulled into a false sense of complacency into not making note of how much they are spending. Consumers are able to with a swipe of their card purchase anything they desire up to their credit limit of course. [...]


Gas Prices Continue to Rise – How can consumers cope?

May 6th, 2013

Teri Ann Renee Paisley, Gleaner Online Writer I know what you are thinking why am I again referring to gas prices? Well for one it seems as if each month I buy less gas for the same amount of money. Surviving on less is nothing new to Jamaican consumers but it has become an ever [...]


April 1, 2013 – Are you ready for the onslaught of taxes?

March 13th, 2013

Teri Ann Renee Paisley, Gleaner Online Writer As April 1st draws nearer I started thinking about how much deeper I was going to have to dig in my pockets. Some tax measures such as increased tax on phone cards were put into effect earlier on March 1, 2013. However, a number of new tax measures [...]


The Tax Net Tightens

March 2nd, 2013

Teri Ann Renee Paisley, Gleaner Online Writer Are you sitting down? Okay good so now I can break the bad news. You are going to have to pay more to talk less. Effective today consumers will pay increased taxes on phone calls. This tax encompasses both networks and includes calls made to landlines. I have [...]


Gas Prices – How to cope with the increases?

February 2nd, 2013

On my way to work I was greeted by an unusual sight. Alongside the Nelson Mandela highway was a donkey cart being driven by two men. As they jostled along, their faces were not strained and anxious nor did they worry about what it cost for them to fill their ‘tank’. The cart might have [...]