I have always been a ‘dog person’. Growing up I had my share of dogs who in various ways provided companionship. protection and love. Of course I am not adverse to other kinds of pets, in fact I also have had a cat, turtle, fish, birds and a goat as my pet. Yes I said [...]
One size fits all! How often have we realized that though unfortunately one size does not always fit everyone’s shape. This is true of many things in life, and not only the clothes we wear. Often when persons buy insurance, whether for their car, personal or home, they have to remember that one size does [...]
So it’s been a very unusual time for everyone around the world. Our daily routine has been severely disrupted by quarantines and lock downs. Schools have been closed, examinations either cancelled or postponed and a number of businesses have also closed their doors or have reduced their hours. These actions have been taken not just [...]
By now we have all heard about the new Corona virus, COVID -19, and its subsequent spread throughout the world that has resulted in the WHO (World Health Organization) classifying it as a pandemic. The lock down of several countries across the globe has been as a direct result of the virus. Here in Jamaica, [...]
Have you ever had to be in hospital or visit the doctor’s office? Well if not, count yourself as one of the fortunate ones. Of course no one wants to get sick but what if you suddenly became ill? Would you be able to afford it? The issue of affordable health care has plagued the [...]
Sugar used to be king in Jamaica many centuries ago. The cultivation of sugar cane was a staple among many areas on the island. Even though times have changed, you can still see the impact that sugar has had on our lifestyle. Popularity of Sugar Jamaicans have always loved using sugar in their preparation of [...]