How to save money during the Holidays

December 26th, 2013

The holidays are almost upon us and some persons wait all year for the opportunity to sink deeper into debt.  While that might seem like an unreasonable thing to do, it is being done ferociously as we are encouraged by glossy brochures and attractively placed advertisements to ‘shop until we drop’. Stores lure consumers into [...]


Is it worth celebrating independence after 49 years?

August 1st, 2011

I am too young to have been there but it is a tale told with great joy by older Jamaicans. The celebrations on August 6, 1962 were monumental as Jamaicans celebrated breaking ties with Britain, their previous sovereign.   From a business standpoint though have we really made enough improvements to Jamaica? Would we have been better off as [...]


Boxing Day Disaster!

December 30th, 2010

Sadly, we have found a new tradition for the holidays.  However, this one brings only misery, grief and loss.   On December 20, 2005 in Kent village, St. Catherine, six persons lost their lives when the taxi they were in crashed head first into a truck. Who could forget the horrible accident on December 19, 2008 in Fellowship, Portland [...]