How to shop safely!

October 12th, 2019

I recently watched an online news story about robberies caught on surveillance cameras  in several American supermarkets. It showed how easy it was for shoppers to be robbed of their possessions and cash while shopping. The scariest part of the video clips that they showed of the robberies,  was when I  realized that the behaviour [...]


Grocery shopping – do’s and don’ts!

September 23rd, 2019

We have all been caught in the trap. What is that trap? It’s the trap of buying too many items at the supermarket and the result is not being too happy when we get to the cashier. I can’t tell you the number of times I promised myself to only pick up one or two [...]


Fashion on a budget!

July 18th, 2019

If you like shopping, chances are that you are tempted to buy fashionable clothing.  The biggest challenge is that the clothing that is more in fashion are usually very expensive. The newest style is often also a hot commodity among customers so that pushes up the price. Fashion Choices Although some consumers think that they [...]


Be careful of scams!

May 20th, 2019

How safe are consumers? Well information provided by the Consumer Affairs Commission suggests that consumers are even more at risk with the advent of new ways in which scammers operate. The simple truth is almost anyone can be a scammer.  Since there is no one way that a scammer looks it is important that all [...]


Small changes to make life more affordable!

March 3rd, 2019

I have no money.  How often do you hear that claim being made by family or friends? The truth is it is very easy to spend money and very hard to save it.  As a result money always seem to be on a circular journey. It almost seems like the more that you make, the [...]


Year in Review – How did your budget fare in 2018?

February 18th, 2019

Well we are now two months into 2019.  This is the time to reflect on the spending mistakes that you made in 2018 and ensure that you make different moves going forward into 2019. Spending Mistakes last year I personally think a lot of our mistakes in spending can be connected to impulse buying.  If [...]