The Millennial Obsession: Thoughts from a Baby Boomer

October 28th, 2017

“Millennials” seem to be much in the news these days – and they don’t seem to be getting very good press. According to media reports (including social media), Millennials are self-absorbed, “entitled,” obsessed with money and material things, and they complain a lot. I am the mother of a Millennial, born in the 1980s. Millennials […]


The Word “Discipline” Means Teaching and Learning, Not Violence and Sadism

October 7th, 2017

Yet another furore has occurred over a “viral” social media post of a woman beating her daughter in her yard. This is most likely an everyday occurrence around the island; but this time, a Jamaican with a smartphone was nearby to record the child abuse. So, Jamaicans were shocked, as if they did not know […]


iCreate Institute: Looking Towards the “Orange Economy”

October 17th, 2016

It all makes perfect sense. iCreate Institute, launched last week at the University College of the Caribbean (UCC) in Kingston, has the potential to take entrepreneurship and education in a direction . Through this partnership, practical steps are being taken to equip young Jamaicans with the tools to turn their creative dreams into something solid, […]


JN Foundation’s Education Revolution: Joy and Rigor

August 22nd, 2016

If there was one overriding message to take away from the JN Foundation’s two-day School Leadership Summit 2016 last month, it was this: We can’t keep doing the same things in the same way. We are not just talking about teaching techniques, but about leadership. Are we running our schools properly? Are we inspiring and […]


Christmas in Trench Town

December 23rd, 2014

We drive down Collie Smith Drive. It is a wide road with a median and a gully down the middle, where people sometimes set up chairs to sit and watch the world go by. There is never much traffic. Goats rummage across a dark patch of thinly spread garbage in an area of open ground. […]