Would you ‘rent’/credit furniture and appliances?

May 18th, 2018

I recently visited a friend’s home who had just moved into her new apartment. She described the difficulty that she faced when trying to find furniture and appliances that she could afford to furnish her home. The cost for a gas burner ignition range from $60, 000 -$200, 000. depending on the brand and size [...]


Why should we buy Jamaican?

May 16th, 2018

It is not often that the word ‘local’ gets so much positive feedback, especially when it is attached to a label on a product. However the word reveals that the item being sold was produced locally and that is good news. Why do we need to import goods? I have always wondered why the items [...]


Why can’t we recycle more?

May 15th, 2018

My daughter recently got an assignment that required her to make an item that could be used out of material that would normally been discarded. It was an interesting assignment and she had a lot of fun deciding on what to make and which materials to use. I started thinking why don’t we all try [...]


Planning for your retirement!

May 13th, 2018

If you are like me you suddenly realized that you are not getting any younger.  When I was younger growing older seemed very attractive but then of course everything changed when I actually started to age. Not that growing older doesn’t come with it’s own perks as I have certainly matured and my perspective on [...]


Do you live a simple life?

May 9th, 2018

I had a friend once who took three hours to get ready. It didn’t matter where we were going or how urgent it was that we be on time.  My friend simply couldn’t go out the doors of the apartment without doing what she called ‘essential grooming’. Her habits made it difficult to plan to [...]


How to make the most of a little!

May 6th, 2018

It’s not often that persons walk around saying they have enough funds and they don’t need anymore. In fact I don’t think I have ever heard anyone say that. However when I look around me it does seem as if some people have it figured out.  They pay their bills, go on fabulous holidays and [...]