Are you a careful shopper?

December 30th, 2014

How many times have you bought something only to be disappointed with your purchase when you examined it at home? Unfortunately many consumers have had this experience as they make purchases based on a whim without really carefully examining it for defects or other signs of damage. During a whirl wind shopping trip, I found [...]


How to Save money with Auto Discounts!

December 26th, 2014

Some time ago I informed my readers that I was deliberating on the purchase of a used or new car. The discussion generated much interest as my readers were quick to point out that in purchasing an older or pre owned car, I might have some mechanical issues. Other readers commented on the fact that [...]


Tips for a ‘debt free’ new year!

December 20th, 2014

In a few weeks it will be 2015. It seems that it was not so long ago we were on the verge of welcoming 2014. In fact, the time spent shopping goes really fast but when the bills arrive in the new year, the time slows to a crawl. The bills in January are doubly [...]


Mobile Cashiers – the way forward!

December 17th, 2014

How do you know that it is approaching the holidays? Well if you are in doubt the ever increasing traffic on the roads and the long lines at most stores should certainly give you a good idea of the season. The worst part about shopping in the holidays, is the congestion on the roads. To [...]


Is buying goods on credit a good idea?

December 14th, 2014

Do you want a new television? How about some new furniture? I know you want a new car! Well if you are anything like me, those are things you might want but are unable to afford. The problem is of course that every magazine or television advertisment I see, there are companies promising that I [...]


Enjoying a vacation while on a budget!

December 10th, 2014

Everyone loves vacation days. I am one of those  people who eagerly strike the days off the calendar as I count down to vacation. Even if the days are not very many, there is still much anticipation as the year winds to a close. Those of us who are struggling with our heavy financial obligations [...]