Circuit Racing: AE86 Update

Author : cmunroe

Faith, it is said, can move mountains. Faith, I have discovered, is needed in exorbitant quantities when one seeks to build a race-car. The process can be compared to a stroll through a minefield! I have weathered a few storms however and I am prepared for the others that are subdued, awaiting their turn to unleash their winds of disruption!

Several phases in the build have entered the history book and despite the lethargic pace at present, progress is being made.

Switches were acquired and Pampi (the electrician) expressed himself in..

This fashion – 1

and – 2

The engine was stuffed in its new home. So for now it rests, waiting for a call to rev into action!

Fuel Cell covered in race-winning silver!

At present the machine is awaiting its next phase in the Circuit Racing program. The focus though, relates to upgrading the stock brakes. It is being done and all things being equal, the machine will have race-required, stopping ability – braking power that could stop a massive train! The last time I checked the machine its brake surgery was being conducted.

It is a challenging road but, I am constantly comforted by the prospect of revving without ample pause around Jamaica’s premiere circuit racing facility – Dover Raceway, St Ann.

Stay posted…

Cecil Munroe Gleaner On-Line Writer

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