Two weekends ago I had the pleasure of passing through JMMC’s Sprint #4, at the fairly new to motorsports location, Thetford Great House, Bushy Park St. Catherine. It is not the typical motorsports venue in terms of its original design and purpose, but I struggle to recall a more ideal location for petrol-heads to go and let dirt fly!
The prominent Great House at the location, oversees a spectacular view of the surroundings and one cannot help but have a new appreciation for Jamaica’s natural, heart-warming environment.
The dirt masters soaked in all the vegetation had to offer and on June 17th they were forced to soak in some rain and mud as well! It was said by someone familiar with the location, that it had not rained in the area for weeks, possibly months, but, on the 17th, it rained without a stoplight!
Unlike cricket, in motorsports, rain=more play and play they did.
(click below)
Cecil Munroe Gleaner On-Line Writer