I will revisit my notes in a bit but, it is at the top of my head, so to speak, so let me release it before it pops a blood vessel! The number of the race on the race schedule – I cannot recall- the competing classes in the race – I cannot recall – (yes, Dorothy is my role model).
What I can recall, however, is the fact that we witnessed a battle of monumental proportions involving 2 protagonists, each flying the flag of a major petroleum giant.
My habits while at the races are far removed from the typical press representative, but there are times when I observe the proceedings from the Tower, in the section reserved for the press. During the race to which I refer, Heath Causwell and Andre Anderson were locked in a battle for drilling rights on lands owned by the Chen family!
On the Tower (at the center of the infield at Dover), the first level after ascending the first flight of steps is the designated Team TOTAL hospitality area. So whenever 1 or more of the 3 TOTAL machines hit the track, the previously reserved corporate ambassadors undergo a full-moon transformation and a voracious werewolf emerges, eager to attack anyone or anything not advocating Team TOTAL’s cause. Their vociferous support can be heard in Discovery Bay whenever Summerbell, Kyle Gregg or Andre Anderson either overtakes a competitor or is leading the race.
Heath Causwell’s machine proudly wears a sponsor in the form and shape of petroleum giant SHELL (Helix). In this particular race, both giants, TOTAL and SHELL, thanks to their young and ambitious drivers, came too close for comfort and the resulting encounter saw them banging wheels, fenders, doors and anything else the machines had.
Heath’s machine.
It was evident that Andre Anderson, in my view, was the more aggressive of the 2 and he drove into some rather tight spaces, spaces that most drivers at Dover would not normally consider. But Heath was more than willing to play tough foe and that he did. He gave nothing and what Andre took he hurriedly grabbed it and resumed his forward march.
Andre’s machine.
While this was unfolding, the nervous, anxious, excited board members on the first level were in a state of obvious distress as they saw the single threat to their dominance, Heath Causwell, delivering a champion’s fight. The shouts of TOTAL – HELIX – TOTAL -SHELL – TOTAL – HELIX dominated both the press box and the first level of the Tower. Adults racing from corner to corner of the Tower, to follow the machines around the track, screaming mindless support for their driver – priceless! Who won the race? I will not say! Did you see the race? What did you think about the battle?
Cecil Munroe Gleaner On-Line Writer