I received telephone calls, I read information which repeated and confirmed what I was told and as such I knew it was true. I cannot recall being led astray by sources I consider bonafide! So there I was, crossing the eyes, dotting the T’s (no -error – deliberate in both cases – thank you) and confirming my reporting gear before leaving for Tyre Wharehouse on Spanish Town Road, when I received a telephone call.
As the voice crackled through the earpiece, the digitally transported words conveyed disappointment. What did the lovely lady tell me? Despite her professional poise I detected the overwhelming fragrance of disappointment!
Jamaicans are not notorious for being prompt or punctual and this fact of tropical existence follows us like a lawyer after money! The young lady stated that the original ‘pick up’ time for the machines at Tyre Wharehouse – 10 am – was changed to between 2pm and 3pm. This was to accomodate the drivers who were having a difficulty meeting the early deadline. Well, apparently the extended deadline died a natural Jamaican death! I passed by the location a few ticks after 7pm and the transporter was still on location awaiting its cargo!
But and I always hasten to include the gargantuan but – nothing is lost my friends. A little delay is always included in the equation. So they did not leave today (Thursday), but rest assured that they will leave. And when they do, their presence will be felt in sensational ways when they hit the track at Jamwest.
If you are in doubt listen to what Peter Rae has to say on the matter.
Dean, all when you claim seh you no ave no position, you still hard at work! Bwoy you no easy!
Cecil Munroe Gleaner On-Line Writer