The true meaning of Christmas

Author : cmunroe

Yesterday I was sitting at 1 of my favourite retreats – Barnes and Noble (bookstore) and I couldn’t help but reflect on the differences in behavior or culture observed when you are at a new location. I am an avid reader. Give me anything to read and I am good. So being new to Kingston years ago, I would visit the pharmacies and book stores in search of a magazine worthy of my time. I always found it weird, silly even, how management would place at an obvious location, a huge sign stating – No Reading! And if that wasn’t enough, as soon as you picked up a magazine, a slave driver of sorts would pounce, screaming, No Reading!

The question which arose in my mind was – How I am supposed to buy a magazine without even knowing what was in the magazine? I also thought that the persons who normally buy magazines, would do just that – buy. And at times, you may see something that grabs your attention and if when you check the story it is interesting, then you would buy the magazine. So a sign marked, No Reading, at a magazine stand, could be compared to a No Eating sign in a restaurant!

Intelligence is sometimes not as common as one would have hoped and as such, irrational behavior takes on an omnipresence which rivals that of the creator.

Fortunately, there is no such sign at Barnes and Noble and I am allowed to select as many magazines as my arms will allow, withdraw to a section of the store and read to my heart’s content.


There is something about Christmas which awakens the spendthrift in all of us and creates an ill-advised, addicted, shopaholic. A trip to one of my sister’s favorite malls, facilitated a claustrophobic reaction. The scene resembled a thriving ant colony, as people bumped into each other as they tried to make their way to the next store for more of the same –Shopping!

Today is Christmas Eve and as I am surrounded by my family, I hope the true meaning of Christmas is not lost in all the cash being spent and the gifts being wrapped. My usual blog relating to motorsports of one form or another is on the backburner today. My message to all is, draw closer to those who love you and let them know how much they mean to you. To those who are not on your all time favourite list, extend a bit of forgiveness. Christmas is really about the best in us as humans and as such, share as much as we can, show love/ compassion and if possible brighten someone’s day. Children still believe in Santa Claus. My 5 year old niece is expecting him to arrive tonight!

So, motorsports fans, the engines will be silenced for at least 2 days and I encourage you to remember what Christmas is really about.
Now, with my philosophical piece expressed, I sincerely hope that Santa will be kind enough to leave the 2011 BMW M3 next to my sister’s Altima. Have a good one everyone!

Cecil Munroe Gleaner –On-Line Writer

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