Andre is a mechanic at one of the auto shops located on the compound where my AE86 is at present. He is a certified ‘Toyota-man’ and he has a project of his own. The problem with Andre, however, is this – he is more confused than Charlie Sheen! At one stage he wanted to build a turbo-charged motor, but when the problems surfaced, he ran like money from the poor! When he saw my build, he accepted the 20valve and became a follower of the naturally aspirated faith. In his words – “Mi caan wait fi hear dis start!”
Andre was in Mandeville Sunday (29th) at JMMC’s Just Bet Rally. When I stopped by the garage on Monday (30th), he had a captive audience as he recalled what he saw at the end of the rally. In essence, a few of Mandeville’s rear wheel drive machines, including a few AE86s’, rolled out and lit up Caledonia Rd like a scene from Tokyo Drift. I missed the spectacle, but in typical Jamaican story telling fashion, he captured what he saw and transmitted the experience to his listeners. Thanks to Andre, Alan Chen has a few more fans – fans who have never seen him drive!
My bit of humor in all this however, is that moments after (he told the story), Andre inspired by the turbocharged machines he saw in Mandeville, could be heard saying – “A boost mi seh” suggesting that he was going to return to the turbo-charged route with his build. As I said, Andre is confused!
What’s happening with my AE86? Progress has assumed the pace of a toddler, but with each passing day, the clearly defined traits of a race car are taking their beautiful shape. As stated in Part 3, the removed roof has been addressed and next on the list of things to be done – install engine and gearbox.
A barren engine bay.
Victor’s version of a modified firewall as seen from inside.
My version of a N2 TRD special – Lol.
A snug fit.
Fits like a glove!
The AE86 is now on an electrician’s operating table. Hopefully his bit will be finished this week. The build continues.
Cecil Munroe Gleaner On-Line Writer