I passed through the Ironshore tarmac sprint on Sunday. The competitor turnout wasn’t what I had expected, but the ‘old school’ machines were everywhere – I was pleased. The fans who congregated at the hairpin had more than enough to be thankful for, as each driver submitted his best trick before exiting the plume of tire smoke!
‘Rusty’ injected a bit of humor!
Whitty’s Starlet.
Could the intercooler be any bigger?
Arguably the cleanest AE86 on any coast!
Alan giving instructions after his machine slapped the curb. He went on to record the fastest overall and fastest 2WD time (2:20.915 minutes).
Kyle’s machine. His father, Gary Gregg on his way to snap a pic of ‘Rusty’. He found Rusty’s interpretation of WRC rather amusing. Kyle’s trek to dominance continues. He won the championship run by stopping the clock at 3:29.925 minutes, a bumper ahead of Alan Chen’s 3:30.980 minutes!
Cecil Munroe Gleaner On-Line Writer