Unlike some people I know, I can recall recent events. Despite the fact that Stunt Games was scheduled for the same weekend as the drag racing event Rise of the Machines Part II at Jamwest Speedway, for reasons which will remain undisclosed, I decided without much debate, that I would be spending my Sunday afternoon (26th ) knee deep in motorcycles, at the Palisadoes Go-Kart track.
On Saturday (25th ), I got Crazy Cutter’s number from a friend. A phone call, 1 minute on the phone and I was instructed to call his wife, Latoya. I dialed, her phone rang, another brief conversation. She graciously informed me that I could collect my passes from her when I got to the event.
Sunday afternoon couldn’t come sooner. On my way to the Palisadoes, I stopped at KFC, Downtown. As I alighted from my machine I saw a gentleman heading towards a Honda Torneo motorcar. The car was laden with children, frolicking, unconcerned with the crisis in Libya. My 4 eyes detected an event armband. I asked him if he was coming from Stunt Games. He responded in the affirmative and went on to tell me that a lot was happening out there and it was truly a family oriented event.
My mind recorded a grade of 100% for Stunt Games even before I got there, because it was advertised with a family based theme and the first person I spoke to about the event, concluded that it was (family oriented). My anticipation of things to come increased tenfold!
I grabbed my red and white box which contained an important part of the black man’s diet- fried chicken - re-entered my machine and continued towards the Palisadoes Go-Kart track. When I got there, some time after 2pm, the packed parking lot confirmed the overwhelming support.
I approached a fellow who was sitting on a metal barrier next to the black Avalanche (pick-up /truck) from which the tickets were sold. He was wearing a BOOM Energy drink T-shirt, so I assumed he was connected. I asked him for Latoya, told him what I was about and he passed my queries on to a young lady sitting in the pick-up. The process was as smooth as it was swift. I received a small brown envelope, which was marked - Media – Cecil Munroe. In the envelope were 2 purple BOOM ENERGY STUNT GAMES V.I.P. passes.
I asked the security at the gate to assist me with putting 1 on my wrist and when I entered Stunt Games proper, I realized in the blink of an eye, that the purple V.I.P. pass that Latoya gave me, was possibly the most important V.I.P. armband I have received for any event thus far.
Do we love bikes? The answer struck me like a freight train. As I walked from the ‘gate’ and entered the venue, I realised I was lost. I was trapped on an island inhabited by creatures which had two wheels for legs and a huge crystal orb which facilitated vision.
I was a drowning man, but pleasantly so, in an ocean of motorcycles. Motorcycles old, motorcycles new, motorcycles small, motorcycles large, motorcycles immaculate, motorcycles eccentric, motorcycles black and motorcycles blue. They were all at the Palisadoes on Sunday.
Bikes, bikes, bikes!
And more bikes!
As I clutched reality’s elusive straw, I was rescued by the unmistakable buzzing sounds of minute displacement motors being slaughtered by drivers or riders. As the revs accumulated, I was drawn like a moth to a flame. Reluctantly, I eased away from the web of motorcycles and took aim on the area from which the blended cheers and wailing motors emanated.
To be continued.
Cecil Munroe Gleaner On-Line Writer