Jamaica AIDS Support for Life: Celebrating Its 25th Birthday in Style, and Despite Challenges

November 29th, 2016

Thursday, December 1 is World AIDS Day. This piece is my personal, small (and probably very inadequate) tribute to all the men and women who have worked so hard to establish, build and maintain a non-governmental organization that has had more than its fair share of trials and challenges: Jamaica AIDS Support for Life (JASL). […]


Is There a Right and a Wrong Way to Celebrate National Holidays?

July 24th, 2016

The Independence and Emancipation Day holidays are nearly upon us (I refuse to use the word “Emancipendence.” Whoever thought that one up?) How quickly the year has passed! It’s as if the holiday is a kind of marker; from here on, the year just slips away until Christmas arrives. Another year done! Tempus fugit. Recently, […]


The Tweeted Confessions of an Entrepreneur: Lacey-Ann Bartley

May 10th, 2016

I find Jamaican tweet chats most enlightening. I am a tremendous advocate for Twitter and its many uses and applications – although I know the so-called “Twitterverse” remains a mystery for some. Why do I enjoy tweet chats? Well, because they are structured conversations that can take you in different directions and lead to insights, […]


On the Joys of “Multi-Potentialism”

November 19th, 2015

I recently attended a training session for schools in the Kingston and St. Andrew region that are participating in Katalyxt Jamaica’s Youth Innovators Competition. Katalyxt is an inspired initiative, the brainchild of businesswoman Winsome Minott. She is an accountant by training, who runs her own company, Mint Management and Finance Services Limited. A woman with […]


In Praise of Courageous Women: Pat, Joy and the Moms

October 28th, 2014

“Let us now praise famous men.” You may be familiar with this quotation from the Jewish Wisdom of Sirach and Ecclesiasticus in the Bible. This week, however, I have decided to praise neither men nor famous people, but some women I know, who cannot claim to be famous either (although they really should be). So, this […]


The Hardy Immigrant: A Positive Side of Jamaica’s Nationhood

September 23rd, 2014

“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” So said National Hero Marcus Garvey. Is the tree of the Jamaican people in danger of weakening, even perhaps toppling over in the next storm? The question crossed my mind as I sat in the Institute of […]