Down Memory Lane

July 25th, 2020

I have been reading quite a lot about our state of mind during COVID-19. Indeed, mental health remains a major concern as the pandemic continues to bite in some parts of the world. Now that the initial panic and confusion is over, here in Jamaica we are panicking less, but still confused and muddled, not […]


The Vulnerable Senior Citizens, Private Care Homes and COVID-19

June 18th, 2020

I attended a press briefing by the Ministry of Health and Wellness this evening. The theme was “Protecting the Vulnerable,” a topic I have been addressing in recent posts. So, what does vulnerable mean in the Ministry’s view? Basically, older people (although the age limit varies from “over 60″ to “over 70,” etc. However, the critical […]


A Muddle Over Masks

June 10th, 2020

Well, life is confusing these days. And, it seems, there is nothing more confusing and mysterious than the coronavirus. As we are on the verge of opening our borders to non-Jamaicans and tourists, we have finally received and hopefully perused the incredibly detailed document issued by the Ministry of Tourism. A relatively short first phase […]


COVID-19 and Our Most Vulnerable – Part 1

May 15th, 2020

The ongoing pandemic, and our response to it, continues to raise many questions, and fewer answers than I would like. With the slight “loosening” of social restrictions and the pending opening of our borders, how are those who already face so many everyday challenges faring? And one wonders, how do they face up to the […]


WASH Your Hands in the Time of COVID-19

March 16th, 2020

I know we have all been overwhelmed by the news and the latest developments, both globally and locally. I have been veering from one press briefing to another; from late-night updates tweeted by Minister of Health and Wellness Christopher Tufton, to alarming global news on the virus. Europe seems to be the new epicenter. I […]


Civil Society Collaborates to Influence Health Policy for Mothers and Infants

November 10th, 2019

As I entered the quiet, cozy Alhambra Inn recently, I stopped to look at the beautiful koi carp swirling in the water near the entrance. I was prepared to be inspired, not only by these majestic fish. Why? Because I was attending a meeting organized by the Women’s Resource and Outreach Centre (WROC). I know […]