Good News at Last!

Author : teriann

I think it is about time that I share some good news with my readers.  After all, everything is not always gloomy, there is always a spark of hope.

On that note, I was surprised and pleased to read a notice from the Wisynco company published in The Sunday Gleaner on June 13, 2010.  It stated that they will be reducing their prices of their products by 3%.  They outlined that their reason was to show appreciation for their loyal customers during these difficult financial times as well as because of the recent gains of the Jamaican dollar over the U.S. dollar.

Finally, there is some show of corporate sympathy for the overburdened consumer.  It seems to me that when the Jamaican dollar makes any positive gains it should be mandatory that prices be lowered.

Thanks Wisynco, hopefully other companies will follow suit.  I have a few suggestions on who could be next!

Teri Ann Renee Paisley (gleaner on-line writer)

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18 Responses to “Good News at Last!”

  1. Tony says:

    I don’t know how good the news is. When one thinks of the fact that when these companies are raising their prices it’s usually by leaps and bounds – 30%, 50% etc, one can hardly jump with joy for a 3% reduction.
    Let’s say it’s inn the direction of a good trend. And because of that, I give credit to the company.
    I join you in the anticipation of other companies following suit and give the Jamaican people some relief.

  2. What a fantastic blog you all got going. I like a combination of excellent and correct information coupled with a few intellectual opinions. It’s wonderful to at last discover excellent content where I really feel like I’m able to trust the information and admire the individuals which publish it. Considering the net waste nowadays I continually love finding some genuine presences on the net. Thank you for posting and keep writing, please!!

  3. teriann says:

    Well Tony I agree it does not seem like much…..but it’s a start!

  4. teriann says:

    Thanks Randall for your kind words. Keep visiting and sharing your comments.

  5. Dee says:

    I’ll take any good Jamaican news I can get! This is a trend for others to follow.

  6. Amaze I’ve to express this is excellent. Even creating that post have to have taken you a seriously extended time. Thank you for the hard work!

  7. moped says:

    Terry, a very interesting post thanks for writing it!

  8. You’re a Extremely Experienced Blogger, You either have got first hand understanding of what your discussing or you did some fantastic research. Many thanks for this excellent posting.

  9. teriann says:

    Let’s hope its just one of many!

  10. don says:

    Hold your horses!! Does the IMF loan have anything to do with this gain? Well if so, I would not call this a ‘true gain’ but a blip. Lets give it some time ,say , a quarter then we’ll chat again. Hopefully I’ll be wrong, which I very much doubt.

  11. Kevin Forge says:

    Actually Don, The Jamaican Dollar has been appreciating for almost 2 full quarters now and the pace is accelerating.

    The BOJ may intervene to prevent it from hitting 80-1. If I was Gov, I would let it climb to 75 before intervening and then not actrualy halt the climb ontil it’s at 70-1

  12. This is a great post! Thanks for sharing.

  13. Usman says:

    I love your post thank you.

  14. Kids bedding says:

    Nice Job by Wynsco…I wonder how this will affect the company’s bottom line…

  15. 2010 make up says:

    I think we also deserve this . good point!

  16. I feel you are too good to write Genius!Thanks for posting, maybe we can see more on this.

  17. Bob says:

    3% reduction is better than 3% raise. They could have said due to the recession we will only raised our price at this time by 3%.. that would be 3% their customers would have to find some where to continue to buy their goods!.. the bible said we must be grateful for small morsel.

    we must give praise where praise is due!.. just look at the cement company!… I hope you see the difference!. I do understand what you are saying. but a reduction is saving for consumers!. no matter how small. its a couple dollars more you have to spend on something else!.

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