Let it go! – Do you have too much stuff?

Author : teriann

Do you have a lot of things in your home?  Perhaps you never really thought about it before so go ahead and look around.  What do you notice?

If you are like me you have accumulated too much stuff! Over the years I have stored things because of the ‘what if’ factor and as a result there is a lot of clutter. The ‘what if’ factor refers to the question “What if I need _____(whatever the item(s) are) in the future?” Of course truthfully most of the items I never use and so they add to the clutter.

Clutter equals to Stress

There is a witty saying that says a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what then, is an empty desk a sign? However this does not apply to our homes. When we have too many things, it’s harder to keep our surroundings clean and harder to find anything quickly.

Being organized simply reduces stress. So if you are accumulating items this means you might be over spending which will negatively affect your budget.  There is also the risk of having bulky items in your home as this can make it harder to locate anything and result in late arrivals to every appointment.

How to let it go!

The best thing to do is ask yourself, ‘Do I need so many items?’ If you haven’t used in over a year, it’s probably not something that you need. Why not give away extra items of clothing to organizations that assist those who are less fortunate? If that is not an option you could try selling them!

There are companies who purchase second hand articles of clothing, books, furniture, and small appliances. If you want to make money without a middle man you could try placing an advertisement in The Gleaner. Other persons will gladly take you second hand items if they are in good condition.

The best thing about organizing your home is that you feel more at ease  to entertain as there is more space created in your home. So do you need to declutter? Part Two of this post will give more suggestions for organizing your home on a budget!

Keep reading and drop a line below to share your views on the issue!

Teri Ann Renee Paisley

Gleaner online Writer

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