It’s not often that our political representatives make announcements that spread cheer. However, it was great to hear that the Mayor of Kingston has extended a special courtesy to the vendors in Downtown.
He has allowed them to sell on the streets during the busiest time of the year without facing police seizure of their goods and forced relocation. They will be allowed three days of ‘freedom’, from December 22-24, 2010.
It seems like a good idea, after all the scenes of despair it’s nice that the vendors have something to look forward to and enjoy. So what do you think of the Mayor’s Christmas gift to the vendors? Click here to read the full article
Teri Ann Renee Paisley (Gleaner on-line writer)
What do U expect from the mayor? its his peers.
by Feb. these higglers will be all over the streets again there’s no continuity in laws here. Holding such a position common sense
would make you not do this right after you
tried so hard to get these ppl in proper vending places, less than 90 days ago,he now invites them back to the same, we need educated ppl with foresight who will up-hold laws to do the job,not ppl who feel they & chosen friends can twist things to suit them.
Shoppers will go anywhere during this holiday to purchase what they need, the lame-duck laws in JA is a joke