Penny Wise Pound Foolish – How to ensure that you are saving money!

August 5th, 2012

The use of the word ‘sale’ by any business is the single most powerful word in the consumer vocabulary. Many businesses are taking advantage of the celebrations of Jamaica’s independence by encouraging shoppers to take advantage of reduced prices. Are these sales a genuine bargain or just a cleverly designed marketing ploy to sell more [...]


Are the new cellular phone rates better for consumers?

June 30th, 2012

Well it certainly wasn’t long in coming! Digicel has fired back at their competitor, LIME by lowering their rates to $2.89 per minute. This is not a surprise. After all healthy competition equals more in consumers’ pockets. If there had been only one telecommunication company consumers would not now be benefiting from such attractive rate [...]


Are the Private sector’s reform the key to Jamaica’s economic recovery?

March 1st, 2012

Recently there has been a lot of discussion about tax reform. The Private sector has suggested several things which they believe if implemented would ease the burden of tax payers in all sections of society. What would the tax reform proposals mean for consumers? One of the 145 proposals suggests a reduction on GCT (General [...]


The ‘Super’ Survey

January 13th, 2012

Did you know that the Consumer Affairs Commission (C.A.C) can help you with finding deals? How? By conducting and publishing the results of surveys of several items sold at supermarkets in the Corporate Area and St. Ann. The most current results can be found in sections C of The Gleaner dated January 12,2012. The selected [...]


7 tips to save money in 2012

January 4th, 2012

Okay so we all know about new year resolutions. We make them every year as we promise to do a whole lot of changing so we can enjoy a better quality of life. How many of us though actually follow through on our resolutions? The secret of ensuring that we follow through on our resolutions [...]


Wholesale vs Retail- Which is the better route?

January 1st, 2012

How much do you spend at the supermarket each week? Is it $4000 or more? Well if you have children that number could double especially when they are home for the holidays. Not to mention the extra costs associated with younger children such as diapers, wipes and baby formula. So when you are strapped for [...]