Weekend Specials – Are you cashing in?

February 8th, 2013

As the weekend approaches, many consumers shudder when they realize once again they have to go shopping. Of course if you plan your shopping trips then you don’t have to spend a lot of money. The key is to discover which items are on specials at the supermarkets. Now who has the time or gas [...]


Gas Prices – How to cope with the increases?

February 2nd, 2013

On my way to work I was greeted by an unusual sight. Alongside the Nelson Mandela highway was a donkey cart being driven by two men. As they jostled along, their faces were not strained and anxious nor did they worry about what it cost for them to fill their ‘tank’. The cart might have [...]


5 Tips on getting a deal at Bargain sales

January 30th, 2013

Just like everyone else, I love a bargain. In fact, I have been known to hunt far and wide for the best price. I have never made any secret of the fact that my days of shopping are numbered if the economy continues its slide. However, being the eternal optimist I am determined to shop [...]


How to be Extravagant on a Shoe String Budget!

January 22nd, 2013

Okay, I am sure I am not the only one who practically drooled at the tickets for a concert or trip, then checked my budget and realized they were not on the cards. A trip to the hairdresser, buying the latest product or jewelry might also be put off if you are trying to save [...]


Are you saving for your retirement?

January 14th, 2013

I saw an advertisement on the television that really got me thinking about the future of most working Jamaicans. Most thirty year to forty year old working Jamaicans look forward to retiring at 60 – 65 years old. They have earned the right to relax after years of working hard. The advertisement I saw referred [...]


Back to School Budget Busters

January 9th, 2013

As I sit in my car in a long line of early morning traffic, I realize that the increase of cars on the road is a sign that the holidays are officially over and school is in full force. For many parents the restart of school is a time to squeeze money out of an [...]