Are you a savvy shopper?

January 27th, 2015

“What’s my special price?” “Since I bought so many items, what can you do for me?” The above statements are very commonly heard when I am out shopping as consumers continue to feel the economic pinch and everyone wants to get the most for their money. Often others are surprised that simply asking gets the [...]


Are you a careful shopper?

December 30th, 2014

How many times have you bought something only to be disappointed with your purchase when you examined it at home? Unfortunately many consumers have had this experience as they make purchases based on a whim without really carefully examining it for defects or other signs of damage. During a whirl wind shopping trip, I found [...]


Save as you spend!

November 15th, 2014

We are fast approaching the ‘silly season’,where consumers are besieged with the constant demand to ‘shop til they drop’. The truth is that even if there are bargains, there is no guarantee that the same item could not have been bought somewhere else at a cheaper price. The only way to ensure that you are [...]


Shoppers to converge on plazas for exciting deals!

November 13th, 2014

Ironically, at this time of the year instead of enjoying the discounts offered at various stores, I am usually trying to save my money so that I don’t start the new year with any debts. Of course, this does not mean that I don’t appreciate the sales when I see them advertised. Although there is [...]


Christmas Sales – Is November too early to start?

November 4th, 2014

There was a cool breeze that blew through my window last night that fooled me into thinking that maybe December had come early this year. However, a quick look at the calendar confirmed that it was November and so December was still one month away. I can see why persons might be confused however as [...]


Customer Appreciation!

June 4th, 2014

Consumers play an important role in sustaining the viability of a business. If a business does not attract new customers or sustain the customers they already have then their profits will decline. In fact, many consumers do not realize the power they have to choose where to shop and what to buy. There are many [...]