Exposure is an under-rated eye-opener. Modern transportation allows you the freedom of exiting your hermit cave and after you have been deposited at an airport gate, the invaluable opportunity, of exploring territories which magazines and books discuss at length,presents itself.
I had a pleasurable experience in the summer at a tuning shop I visited while in Florida.
What led me to their workshop and into their offices, will be discussed, but for now, I will allow your dreams to be filled with a gem I spotted at Active Autowerke.
With its power enhanced, it can mutilate asphalt!
Afterwhich, it can abruptly cease forward motion, if so directed.
You will enjoy the experience it delivers, from the confines of a race-inspired, but,comfortable, Recaro seat.
Even when motionless, Omar’s M3 strikes an impressive pose!
Cecil Munroe Gleaner On-Line Writer