I had the pleasure of passing through JMMC’s Dexterity event - Slippery Wen Wett - held at Tyre Warehouse’s facility in Portmore, on Sunday. On Sunday morning I was a bit concerned, wondering if the event would proceed as planned, based on the frowning skies I observed. But, the event being one which relies on the lubricating skills of crystal punch (water) to assist in the sublime dance moves of the machines around the circuit, I took the optimist’s view and concluded that showers of blessings would enhance the process and not have a negative impact on spectator turn-out. I was not wrong.
Portmore is referred to as the ‘Sunshine City’ and on Sunday, the name held true. Despite the torrential downpour in sections of the city (Kingston), the sun, when I arrived in Portmore, was putting up a Beres Hammond sanctioned resistance! The sun was out and accompanied by a light wind, perfect!
The event was an excellent reminder of what makes motorsports the magical, exhilarating phenomenon it is! If you were not in the building you not only missed the event, you also missed a stellar event!
Today, I will leave you with 3 machines that ‘raised the roof’ when they took to the circuit.
The name ‘Crossbreed’ will be used for the time being.
Jamar Kinkead’s ‘super-clean’ machine.
Maurice ‘Wurl Boss’ Wittingham’s hammer!
Cecil Munroe Gleaner On-Line Writer