Dexterity: Slippery Wen Wett – Part II

Author : cmunroe

If you were there, I am certain you had a slip and sliding whale of a time, but it would not be possible without the hard work of a team of individuals, including the sponsors.

Much love to all of the sponsors.

If you are a Nissan-man, cupid just shot you!

Control Tower.

We cant live without them!

What we went to see, we got, plus brawta. The feats of power-induced precision and finesse are still being spoken about. Machines driven by adept drivers, who are worthy of continuous praise include:

Cupid’s warpath continues. He is reckless with the arrows!

Oh, the pleasant sound of boost! Love is in the air – see couple beside the machine.

Cutta Hype’s reputation has grown immensely. He has now adopted the role of showing drivers how to  harass their potent machines (he did this in the Silvia)!

Only 1 can wear the crown and last Sunday, we will agree, that the ‘Wurl Boss’ reigned supreme.

Awaiting the next scintillating Round!

Cecil Munroe Gleaner On-Line Writer.

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