Circuit Racing: Mark Maloney will miss CMRC Round 1

Author : cmunroe

I passed through the JRDC’s press briefing on Thursday (May 17th). When I arrived at the given address, 31 Phoenix Ave – Sports Development Foundation offices – I asked the security guard who was positioned at the gate if I was at the correct location. She said yes, so I drove in and took the parking spot to which I was directed. When I came out of the car, I asked again, if this was where the briefing would be held. She responded in the affirmative, again and pointed to the building within which the revelry was scheduled to take place.


I gathered myself and ambled towards the building. As I did so, I saw JRDC President, Marck Carey, former president, Hilary Jardine and other individuals, engaged in a story-telling conversation. I showed respect and hailed one and all. Mr Jardine extended his hand and after the handshake he spoke – I will revisit the conversation.

When I eventually went inside the ‘briefing building’, my latent, silent questions gained Arab-spring strength. I do not know why I was expecting to see at least one race-car at the location and somehow I thought that the room used was rather minute.

Cameras and crew at press conferences should be like silent letters in words – we know they are there, but they are not obtrusive! With restrictions on available space, at the press briefing, the cameras and camera men appeared like obstacles – if you were sitting behind them.

JRDC’s Press Briefing

In the conversation I had with Mr Jardine, he confirmed that the Maloneys’ will rev no motor and turn no wheel at Dover Raceway for Round 1 of the CMRC.  I heard this previously, but I was in denial and was hoping that it was not true.


Mark Maloney represents Barbados, but what he brings to the track, when he visits, can be claimed by no country. Mark Maloney’s machine, a Mazda RX3, is legendary for its pulsating, rotary-inspired wail. His machine, is what I refer to as a ‘real race car’ and as a driver, he embraces a fearless tenacity as he pursues victory and that attitude creates a rabid, ruthless demon, when he is behind the wheel.

Mark Maloney’s machine.

I am positive I am not the only fan who is a bit disappointed that he will not be here on the 26th and 27th  . If you have seen him drive or hear the machine, you will understand. If you have not, watch, listen and weep! (click below)

Mark Maloney – 1

Mark Maloney – 2

Cecil Munroe Gleaner On-Line Writer

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