Circuit Racing:Natasha ‘Chiney Dolly’ Chang’s race car – Part 2

Author : cmunroe

In light of the fact that circuit racing at Dover Raceway is in the air (do not ask where) and in a day or two, all things Dover related will take P1 and dominate the blog, my hand is forced, so I have to release the final segment of ‘Chiney Dolly’s’ machine. These were taken at ATL’s home-base at Hagley Park Rd.

Nb. – The monster is powered by a B16 – yes – a B16.

To put the M.A.D. power to the ground these dark-skinned girls do the job.

Which pedal do you love moreĀ  – the go pedal of course!

At Dover, the experienced racers will tell you about the importance of suspension. Just a peek at what ‘Chiney Dolly’ is wearing.

Machine chilling at home awaiting surgery (the tear-down before the upcoming race meet).

As I said before note the name, look at the classes she is competing in and then be amazed as she hurls multiple kicks and numerous jabs under some seasoned racers’ ribs!

Cecil Munroe Gleaner On-Line Writer

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