Circuit Attack at Jamwest a couple weekends ago was the alarm clock. The sounds exiting deviant exhaust pipes, disturbed the circuit racing world. As the excited, jubilant decibels, produced by impatient race-motors, jostled to greet the oxygen-rich Little London air, other machines which were still enjoying much needed rest were awakened.
So, now fully awake the preparation for battle has began. I had fun at Circuit Attack, I also learnt alot, but we all know that the ‘REAL’ racing begins in a few weeks time. What am I talking about? If you have to ask, you are on the wrong blog! But I have always been on the receiving end of ego-massaging comments re my patience, so that I will show now.
Jamaican circuit racing fans enjoy a healthy rivalry. When Doug ‘Hollywood’ Gore got tired of being first runner up, a second class citizen, in David Summerbell Jr’s kingdom, he went soul searching. Fortunately for him, while on the journey he met ATL Racing and the rest, they say, is history (read Audi glory).
We crammed the beautifully decorated house at Dover, each time, to see for ourselves, what was designed to be the King’s demise, but the resilient King survived. The attacks were numerous but his armor displayed no permanent damage.
There was no question in the minds of the Mobay posse that David would be slayed by ATL Racing’s Goliath – the DTM Audi TT-R and it did, but not convincingly enough to pull the carpet from under the King’s feet. And unfortunately, before the wet writing could dry on one of Dover’s walls, Doug had a paint swapping moment with Peter Rae which the ATL sponsored DTM TT-R was not comfortable with. The violent paint transfer session inflicted crucial wounds to the DTM machine and as such the German leg of the mutiny was initiated – TT-R out of action for the remainder of the 2012 season.
We waited patiently. The ATL TT-R is back. New machine but the plan remains the same – to conquer the world (now currently ruled by the King)! At Circuit Attack we saw a little flexing of the machine’s muscles.
My views on the machine have not changed. It is an awesome machine! But, can it deliver what Doug and his team expect of it. The alarm clock did its job. Everyone is wide awake now! The TT-R’s date with David and destiny is 3 weeks away!
Cecil Munroe Gleaner On-Line Writer