Drag Racing: Is this an 8 seconds (et) Mustang?

Author : cmunroe

As I stated in the previous blog, a particular machine sped away with an award – Most Powerful Machine at Test and Tune (I was the judge). The machine will be shown to you now in all its glory – that which was seen at Test and Tune.

Now, this is a rear-view! If the tires were any wider they would touch each other!

The source of the insanity!

Ignore the light and focus on the turbo. An 18 wheeler somewhere in the world is looking for that blower!

The turbo…..

Is this a side-pipe like that which may be seen onĀ  the 2014 Viper?

This must be the ‘go large’ edition!

The demon, when restrained, appears as harmless as a thought. The proud owner, Adrian, will confirm that looks are indeed deceiving.


Completely dressed,except for the massive tires one would think that the machine is a typical Mustang. You would be wrong, horribly wrong. I have seen videos of the machine move and it reminds me of one of those road-building machines which ‘chews’ asphalt. It is a monster and if it is present Sunday,’hooks’ and drives well, tongues will be wagging for days to come! Is this an 8 seconds Mustang?

Cecil Munroe Gleaner On-Line Writer

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