So much has happened in recent weeks and days and there is even more waiting to happen. But, every now and then you stumble across a jewel which stirs the soul and warms the heart. A jewel which has significance even today, must be released from its captive compact disc quarters!
Nissan haters – recognise an icon when you see one!
Do you know this machine?
P&L doing their thing back then – Lisa handled steering duties.
Where the hell is this RX7. Tell me if you know!
The Bowlas invaded this race-meet and had their immaculate BMWs on display but..
the wall was not intimidated by the machines from Bavaria – Wall – 1 and BMW – 0!
Honda does not do well when confronted with huge obstacles!
Same applies for Mitsubishi.
Before this fine young thing started competing she was the definition of the word – Adorable. Now she is an ogre on the track! But, others paved the way for her success…
I refer to these stalwarts of the gender – who were not afraid to mix it up with the big boys.
These were days David Summerbell Jr does not want to remember. Samantha hated this car! When you see her ask her why.
Whether you want to accept it or not, the pilot of this bomber was reigning supreme. He was easily 10+ pounds of boost better than everyone else on the grid – here and abroad! He will tell you that he was ‘lighting up the tires’ in 3rd gear on the start-finish straight! Awesome.
He was a happy camper then, winning was his domain and Team Mobay Racing was the team you wanted to be a part of – Evo Empire to the world!
Check for irony - the same platform (Evo) that Doug used to conquer both local and Caribbean turf in 2007, is his current recurring nightmare!
Cecil Munroe Gleaner On-Line Writer